Part 2

Democracy is on the Line

By Kwame Nkosi Romeo

Democracy is on the line when the dialogue between state and citizen breaks down. Democracy is on the line when countries flirt with autocracy to pass unpopular laws and governments deploy state forces to repress lawful resistance.

- 2023 ITUC Global Rights Act Index

The transference of the MV Alfa Nero from Antigua Yacht Club Marina (AYCM) in Falmouth to Heritage Quay, St. John's, on Tuesday, October 2, 2023, without any justification, raises suspicion and connects to a famous quote by former Antigua Caribbean Liberation Movement member Vincent Michael: "Nothing happens by accident, not even accident itself." 

Soon after, a conflagration spread across the St. Paul constituency's long-established business complex of shops, displacing shop owners and numerous workers and leaving them with a deficit as the tourist season approached. Nonetheless, in other places, people are subjected to much worse appalling tragedy: human suffering, death, and poverty, such as the daily life of the Palestinians under Israel's Apartheid subjugation and oppressive government, and closer is the constant suffering endured by the people of the Republic of Haiti! (The Caribbean island that was to claim a Russian super yacht-. The Spectator -Mark Hollingsworth-September 24, 2023)

At any rate, the people of Antigua presume lightning caused the AYCM fire. Still, the events leading up to the yacht departure need to be more transparent and accountable to Antigua and Barbuda taxpayers. It is most sinister and calls for an investigating of who gave the orders to move the MV Alfa Nero. Not the Captain, but fingers point to someone more authoritative, likely in the Antigua Labor Party (ALP) government. Additionally, the community must demand that the government lift the veil of secrecy.

There are many questions, and telling the truth leads to investigative reporter George Wehner's exposing the whereabouts of the Alfa Nero. Wehner pinpointed the MV Alfa Nero covertly left Antigua and was tracked down to Nevis on October 19; the Actual Time of Departure (ATD) at 14:13 and the Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) at 16:20. On arrival, the Captian promptly switched off the  Automatic Identification System (AIS). In contrast, others speculated the vessel was on a partying escapade with a few high-level officials and returned to Antigua most hushedly on Tuesday, October 23, 2023. (MEGAYACHT NEWS-When Yachts go Dark on AIS: Consequences Depends-November 25, 2022 by Diane M. Byrne)

Why are our tax dollars used to burn endless fuel and supply the excessively greedy, politically connected WIOC and select investors with millions? 

And is this another foul call against the ALP government?

Foul on FIFA Corruption perceive the meaning of ALP Corruptible. This book red-carded the most dishonorable Paul 'Chet' Greene, a former General Secretary of the Antigua and Barbuda Football Association (ABFA), as part of FIFA World Cup Football authorities' shady characters, many of whom took under-the-table payments confirmed by FIFA auditors that implicated Greene in a US$1 million grant money heist:

"In 2003, FIFA auditors found that a US$1 million GOAL grant to Antigua and Barbuda -during Greene's tenure was unaccounted for while the ABFA general secretary pocketed US$4,500 a month despite having a full-time job at the islands Ministry of Sports at the time."

How did that US$ 1 million grant disappear?

Greene viewed the corruption probe by FIFA as politically motivated and allied with forces in Trinidad cunningly kick off an investigation into Gordon 'Banks' Derrick, then ABFA General Secretary, as revenge for his loss of power!


Greene is ALP MP for the St. Paul constituency, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, and Immigration, and a cooperator of disgraceful Antigua and Barbuda Ambassador to the US Ronald Michael Sanders.

Ask Greene, former president of the Antigua and Barbuda National Olympic Committee (ABNOC), about the Rio 2016 ticket scheme.

What's the relationship between entrusted power and crooked deals?

Ultimately, this misconduct benefits the many administrators involved in the World Cup Football and other political corruption. Foreign Affairs is the spinning wheel of crafty diplomacy, and country representatives who adeptly accept bribes to empower personal businesses and enrich themselves without regard for civil sovereignty, as in the case of West Papua.

For example, Indonesia has been suppressing the rights of the Indigenous People in Western Papua for more than 54 years, and the world leaders glorifying democracy are more uncaring. It is no different from religious colonialism, neo-colonialism, and the devastating effect of ALP corruption.

-Human Rights in Indonesia- Amnesty International - 2022

-Corruption in FIFA Part 1 -Monday, November 29, 2010.

The general belief of ALP lawlessness and known interest is evident. Countless questions have arisen concerning West Indies Oil Company (WIOC), the Grand IHI Corruption, the Stanford Fiasco, Space Research Corporation, Devcon, Sandco, Antigua Isle Company, Newport Antigua Limited, APUA Funding, Corbkinnons Development, PLH, APC, and YIDA, in addition to a longer list of acres in land and real estate fraud. This grandiose scale of corruption under the ALP government fleeced the nation's treasury and impoverished the twin island states while enriching the inner circle. 

Similar to what Bongo, Deklerk, Mobutu, Botha, Smith, Rhodes, Leopold II, and others did to Africa! It's what Batista, Samoza, Trujillo, Pinochet, and Duvalier did in Latin America and the Caribbean. Most of Antigua and Barbuda's corruption is spotlighted in All is Clouded by Desire, Outlet Newspaper, and Caribarena Corruption Tapes!

Aesop's fable stands the test of time: "They hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office."

Some coups are essential to counteract the wicked regimes ruling under the mask of democratic governments. Revolutionaries must continuously take meaningful action against family nepotism and political bias! The words of Marcus Mosiah Garvey's rallying cry about the African Redemption storm are present: "No one knows when the hour of Africa's redemption cometh. It is in the wind. It is coming. One day, like a storm, it will be here."

Africa won't be the last to take such actions to unmask dictatorial bandits, with a total of seven coups in three years: Mali in August 2020, Chad in April 2021, Guinea in September 2021, Sudan in October 2021, Burkina Faso in January 2022, Niger in July 2023, and Gabon in August 2023. 

Since 1961, the CFA Franc became France's imperialist dominance over the wealth and resources of the two zones: The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and the Central African Economic and Monetary Union (CAEMU). Three coups against CFA monetary imperialism took place in WAEMU and the three in CAMEU.

Haiti Revolution overthrew France's colonization, the only successful Revolution that every black nation should celebrate! Long live the Revolution. 

Also, Thomas Sankara's leadership is exemplary following the Burkina Faso coup in 1983 and four years of his presidency before being assassinated in 1987:

-Sankara built 350 schools, roads, and railways without foreign aid.

-Increase literary rate by 60%

-Planted 10 million trees

-Sold off the government fleets of Mercedes 

-Reducing the salaries of all public servants, including his pay, to $450 a month 

-Opposed foreign aid

-Drove out French imperialism & withdrew Burkina Faso from the IMF

Many more coups are forthcoming, and another day of reckoning is coming. Will the Republic of Haiti be next?

The words of Shelly Tobitt's masterful lyrics of Not by Might and Sir McClean Emmanuel's 'King Short Shirt' the greatest exponent of the benna/calypso artform, notable tenor voice, echo the message for revolutionary change: 

Give me liberty

Or give me death

That's the cry I hear

Ringing out across the land

Short Shirt telling message is ringing across the land. It is understandable by the proletariat and generally known by prime minister Gaston Browne as a prophecy with a chilling message of public resistance! 

Browne's reckoning will be threefold that will eventually culminate in the defeat of the ALP in the next general election:

1-Mark your calendars! The St. Mary's South by-election will confidently take place on October 24, 2023.

2- ALP Leadership Convention in 2024

3- The next general election is due on Tuesday, January 18, 2028, but many speculate it may be as early as next year.

The three above depend on the following: United Progressive Party (UPP) Kelvin 'Shugy' Simon wins St. Mary's South, ALP MP Molwyn Joseph of St. Mary's North wins the leadership of the ALP, and Browne ALP loses the next general election. 

Joseph will be the transitional leader to guide the ALP through the shambles caused by prime minister Gaston Browne and the inefficiencies of all the MPs that plunge Antigua and Barbuda into the depths of poverty.

There are already benefactors lining up to support Joseph and oust Browne. There is no threat to Browne's leadership of the ALP other than MP Joseph! Nevertheless, Browne is cautiously trying to persuade Attorney General & National Security Minister Steadroy 'Hogzilla' Benjamin to ensure delegates of St. John's City South (SJCS) vote for him in the upcoming leadership convention 2024, as SJCS nominated him for leadership at the last convention at the Multi-purpose Cultural Center at Perry Bay in November 2012.

Currently, Benjamin and Browne are at loggerheads. According to diplomatic whispers, Sanders recommends that Browne eliminate old laborites and replace them with people more loyal to his agenda. 

One reason why Benjamin chose 50 constituents to nominate him for the Knighthood rather than consent to Browne's nomination for the November 1, Antigua and Barbuda 42 years of Independence. 

On October 31, 2023, 80 UPP SJCS constituents sent a letter to the Chairperson of the National Honours Committee opposing that Knighthood!

Seemingly, prime minister Browne absurdly assented to Benjamin Knighthood, calling it "..a well-deserved and justifiable honor."

No doubt people view Benjamin Knighthood as uncalled for! Still, Benjamin is considered by laborites as the bulwark for the ALP and, along with Joseph, Robin Yearwood, and others, can unseat the inexpedient Browne as leader of the ALP. 

Does Joseph have the political guts to challenge Browne? 

People of St. Mary's South must go out an overwhelming vote for UPP candidate Kelvin 'Shugy' Simon in the by-election on October 24, 2023! 

Do not fall for prime minister Gaston Browne's electioneering tactics to deceive and get your vote with ALP benefactor Robert Alan Barrett of Elite Island Resorts endearing promises of 100 jobs for the St. Mary's South constituency. All regurgitated promises of the more than 5,000 pledged during Browne's tenure, such as WIOC 120, Call Center Services at Woods 950, and 3,000 in tourism-related activities. F-DAT!

Where were these pledged jobs for St. Philip, St. John's Rural West, and St. Paul constituency? 

Fact! These are the dominant constituencies of Barrett's tourism enterprise. Yet again, no jobs are available in those constituencies.

Truth! Once more, Browne's words are a testament to ALP promises and failures of 26 development projects valuing US$5 billion, along with losses in commercial transactions: Never again should voters be lured by empty and recycled ALP promises.

(PM Browne says Mr. Yida is a committed investor. August 28_ 2022 -Antiguanewsroom)

Reality! Time for a change! The public awaits the outcome of the St. Mary's South by-election! The result was decisive; the UPP candidate Kelvin 'Shugy' Simon defeated the ALP hopeful Dwayne George 1065 to 891.

Political freedom without economic freedom is continued slavery!

-Joshua Maponga


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