Antigua and Barbuda COVID-19 Crisis and Political Censorship

By Kwame Nkosi Romeo

The COVID-19 crisis is unbearable for all countries, including the Caribbean Community grouping (CARICOM), comprising 15 Member States and five Associate Members countries:

11 Member States are on the Center for Disease and Control Protection (CDC) Highest risk Level 4 listing

Three are on High Level 3, and one on Low Level 1

Of the five Associate member countries, two are on CDC Level 4, two on Level 3, and one on Level 1

In CARICOM, Antigua and Barbuda ranks 14 of 20 in Case Fatality Rates (CFR) with a poorer score of 2.41 and 19 of 20 in COVID-19 testing with a regrettable 17.6% of the population checked. In comparison, Jamaica ranked 13 of 20 CFR 2.22, 18 of 20 COVID-19 testing 20% of the population.

All fatalities are crucial, but 12 countries with lower CFR per 100 people than those mentioned above: Cayman Islands 0.25, Anguilla 0.26, Dominica 0.46, St. Vincent and the Grenadines 0.54, Belize 0.57, St. Kitts and Nevis 0.59, Turk and Caicos 0.81, Barbados 0.86, Bermuda 1.21, the British Virgin Islands 1.40, Suriname 1.52, St.Lucia 1.66.

Between September 1 and 17, Antigua and Barbuda COVID-19 deaths moved from 44 to 55, with seven recorded deaths between September 13 and 14. Since then, 21 more COVID-19 deaths have been added, bringing the death toll to 76, with confirmed cases of 3,160 and CFR 2.41 as the Delta variant prolonged its destructive path. The worst COVID-19 fatal period was between September 19 and September 27, recording 15 deaths.

Chaos exists amid the high rise in the twin-island state COVID-19 deaths; the US CDC Level 4 classification and pending UK government red listing can worsen the dire socio-economic adversity. (Source: Worldometer Coronaravirus Cases, Our World in Data, Antigua and Barbuda Dashboard)

With this in mind, it is difficult for the Antigua Labor Party (ALP) government of prime minister Gaston Browne to escape the harsh reality of the one-sided COVID-19 policy undermining the population. These consequences arise from the arrival of thousands of visitors bringing along COVID-19 variants, unmasking the present-day dilemma. The community is now aware of COVID-19's deadly existence. Vaccinated and unvaccinated people must take the most appropriate remedy to safeguard their health. 

Due to this, Browne's unflattering language of fat-shaming a young woman who took the COVID-19 jab was worrisome and hostile to the cause of getting people vaccinated. Moreover, ALP's incessant politicking about United Progressive Party (UPP) candidate for St. George and NewsCo Observer Managing Director Algernon 'Serpent' Watts COVID-19 disclosure. That drew attention to Browne's suggestion Serpent should instantly prohibit contrary viewpoints about COVID-19 is disturbing. One of James Baldwin's famous quotes is sufficient warning to Browne's unjust tactics "It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have"

Baldwin's quote opposes Browne's other irrational action concerning the recent bashing of Stan 'Megatron' Richards's live Facebook message on vaccine hesitancy. Browne condescendingly referred to Richards as a "blasted idiot." Browne must realize that people possess the ability and right to free speech. It is not the 15-member powerless cabinet to give authority to freedom of expression: Your voice matters. You have the right to say what you think, share information, and demand a better world. You also have the right to agree or disagree with those in power and express these opinions in peaceful protests. (Freedom of Expression- Amnesty International)

Browne's political spite and disrespect of others continue. Next was the wilful attack on the ALP-aligned Antigua Trades and Labor Union (AT&LU) president, Wigley George. 

George's first commitment must be to the working class and not Browne's sinister political Parliamentary decree. Browne aims to replace George and others for opposing the mandatory vaccine:

"..if they want to fight us, to stand against us when we are trying to protect the interest of the people, to protect our economy, then I am saying they are not fit for purpose, and I am dealing very hard with our union in particular."

Moreover, Browne's summary contention intending to seek change within AT&LU is controversial:  "We will make that change. Let me tell you something, yeah, the center of power in the Antigua Trades &Labor Union lies within the Antigua Labor Party, and we can affect that change."

This rhetorical aggression is high-handed since Browne roguishly believes the AT&LU center of power lies within the ALP and not the working class. Time to quash that ignorance. 

Browne knows of the substantial power of the Unions and decided to quash that power with absolute power. Political leaders are powerless without union cooperation.

Sir George Walter fought against the ALP government controlling the union since the era of Sir Vere Cornwall Bird; then came change. Sir George's momentous challenge created the Antigua Workers Union (AWU) in 1968. The working-class uprising in 1968 made that possible. That was then, but now 53 years later, history repeats itself under Browne's arbitrary leadership.

A new challenge exists; the people must resist Browne's autocratic yearning to contain the union and oppress livelihoods. That's the challenge not only for AT&LU president Wigley George but anyone against injustice.  The war cry for the collectivism of the masses' power and the solidarity of all to fight for their collective rights is most important.

According to the Privy Council UK, Browne's intention to stifle or fetter such criticism "..amounts to political censorship of the most insidious and objectionable kind." (Hector v Attorney General of Antigua: PC 1990).

On July 19, 2021, Browne criticized BVI Public Health official Lionel Michael, denouncing Michael COVID's recommendation for Antigua and Barbuda as needless advice as deduced from Browne's most foully berating and vilifying the qualified official:

"You botched the COVID to the extent they have the highest COVID active cases in the world."

Presently the twin-island nation COVID-19 confirmed cases and death are much higher: 3,160 and 76 deaths than the BVI 2,642 and 37 deaths.


How does Brown apportion blame for these failures of the ALP COVID-19 policy: Is it lack of testing, flawed protocols, inept leadership, or giving ALP financiers the green light to do what they want? 

What is it?

A Bloomberg article attributes the rise in COVID-19 cases to the ALP government's careless policy of allowing unvaccinated visitors even though the government tried to deflect blame to the local population; the essay asserts:

" more visitors arrived, so did the cases of Covid-19. Confirmed positives multiplied nearly sevenfold in 2021, reaching 1,103 as of March 25. Deaths rose to 28. As a result, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention increased its risk assessment for the country from Level 2 (moderate) to Level 4 (very high) at the beginning of March." (Tourism in Antigua and Barbuda is sending COVID skyrocketing by Kiernan Dunlop on March 30, 2021)

Preceding this essay, Browne pointed out that locals were spreading the virus, and ALP believers kept believing the lies. Despite that, Browne recently contradicted that predisposition at the UN 76th General Debate : 

"We didn't start the pandemic. And no virus has ever originated in the Caribbean countries or been spread from it. We have been and - are - victims of others who must recognize their responsibilities and act on them."

('Overwhelmed by old challenges' Caribbean Leaders say COVID-19 has forced a new battle for the survival of their nations - September 25, 2021 - UN Affairs)

Currently, prime minister Gaston Browne is championing mandatory vaccination for chosen public workers while threatening their livelihood is undemocratic. Yet, there was no priority to ensure passengers on cruise lines or the airline was vaccinated. That's why the stay-over visitors were bountiful simultaneously, triggering the rise in COVID-19 cases. Antigua and Barbuda flouted the CDC recommendation for governments to ensure "All arriving passengers be vaccinated." 

Antigua and Barbuda's rise in COVID cases nudged hoteliers to follow CDC suggestion finally. Today, hoteliers are heeding CDC's travelers' health advice that all passengers be vaccinated. Before this, hoteliers were lenient towards arriving passengers. 


For example, Elite Island Resorts, owned by Robert A Barrett and owner of five hotels in Antigua, words were disingenuous since the resort welcomed unvaccinated visitors. It was only when the COVID-19 figures escalated the compulsory vaccination message was issued:

"After weighing all choices, issues, and concerns, mandating vaccines was the wisest action in protecting the critical tourism industry of these beloved destinations which are so crucial to the survival of so many employees."

Elite Islands Resorts guests could have exposed staff to the dreaded COVID-19 virus, but this employer did nothing to protect the team; priority is where it's constantly being "..protecting the critical tourist industry."

How many of the Elite Island Staff contracted COVID from their interaction with visitors at the resorts?

Beginning September 1, 2021, Elite Islands Resorts demanded "..all guests over the age of 12 will be required to show proof of vaccination upon arrival." (This Caribbean Resort Company Is Requesting Guest at Its Hotel to Be Vaccinated by Cailey Rizzo August 20, 2021)

Before the surge in COVID-19 cases, Browne allowed cruise lines to bring thousand of unvaccinated passengers to Antigua and Barbuda, emanating from major global hot spots. In addition to airlines disembarking COVID visitors to purported bio-secure hotels, tourists roaming the beaches while confining locals and authorizing Peace Love and Happiness (PLH) to continue working during rising COVID-19 cases simultaneously as the Barbuda Council voiced disapproval.

Compliantly, some constituents remain slaves to a system of sell-off, disempowerment, and lack of participatory democracy. Elections after elections, people repeatedly surrender and hand over infinite power to politicians. Consequently, the people carry the weighty shackles of hyper-partisan history until the next general election. End the Mockumay politics, and stand up for what is right! 

The gallows the ALP government built for others can become the very instrument the power will perish!


  1. Well written Articles, It has opened up my eyes to all the hidden things ,taking place in my little Island.

    Shalawam my Brother!!!

  2. Thanks for your encouraging feedback on my article.



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