A  Reflection 'The Handwriting Is On the Wall' Antigua Daily Observer Saturday, July 28, 2001

By Kwame Nkosi Romeo

In Antigua and Barbuda, the assumption is there is only one individual with any real power, prime minister Lester Bryant Bird, and one ideology with that similarity - the ruling class.

The brutal modus operandi of the Antigua Labor Party (ALP) government is obviously against its citizenry, mainly persons embodying our creative aspirations. One of our nation's celebrated social justice warriors, McClean Emmanuel (King Short Shirt) testimony on Observer Radio 'Have Your Say" on Friday, July 20, 2001, echoed that torment: 

"The government deliberately hurt me because I am not on their side."

And with bleeding heart lamented the burden of the oppressed: "What I feel others feeling it."

That's true, but time will tell if Short Shirt's despondency about Antigua and Barbuda's future under the Bird dynasty persists. Still, it's hard to read the evidence any other way. Calypso always reflects a collective identity from the struggle for survival and is genuinely a popular culture that has survived a repressive policy. Short Shirt's song expresses the psychology of the most disadvantaged sectors and reflects ideas on politics, society, ethics, and history. Daily events mark these feelings and perceptions.

The simple truth is that King Short Shirt has always set himself the goal of reviewing the vision of his work and the evolution of the music created within the realms of calypso.

Because of his never-ending urge toward change, Short Shirt has served as a teacher to many, raising numerous to excellence. He has dignified over 40 years of existence to promote calypso with lyrics as attacking as Sir Vivian Richards's genius batsmanship and social advocacy, standing up against Apartheid and melody as distinct and revolutionary as Bob Marley.

Short Shirt benna music composition has given maximum scope to Antigua and Barbuda music's creativity and has a particular dimension in calypso structure. He is in the expert category as an artist.

And his capacity to surprise the listener typifies the performance in his career. It corroborates that the best things that music can generate are happiness, enthusiasm, and sustaining lyrics that inspire solidarity.

Given that Short Shirt was eliminated in 1962, which delayed his entry into the Calypso arena, his self-will was unbroken, and in 1963, he qualified for the Calypso competition and was first runner-up; Tennyson was King.

But Tennyson's reign was not successive, and King Short Shirt reigned from 1964 -1966- a three-time honor of considerable eminence and commemorated with two more hat tricks, 1974-1976 and 1986-1988. Three local calypsonians fulfilled the local calypso competition hat trick only once: King Obstinate 1981-1983, King Smarty Jr 1993-1995, and King Onyan 1997-1999.

King Short has won 15 national, seven Road March, and five regional titles- the most by a calypsonian. Short Shirt's first Calypso album was titled 'Calypso Caribbean' recorded at ABS Radio and supported by Mason Brothers Orchestra in 1970, with songs relevant to that era: Heart Transplant, Racial Violence, Anguilla Crisis Man on the Moon, etc. Two of the best classic on that album was Heart Transplant and Man on the Moon.

There have been several albums celebrating his achievements: Leroy, Leroy, Jamming Tight, Spice and Style, Rhapsody L.A./Miss Yvettes, Hang On, Meet Raycan, Illusion, Wadadli Rock, Ghetto Vibes, Calypso Caribbean, Gee Wee Music, etc.

Although a celebrated artist in Antigua and Barbuda and beyond, the highlight of Short Shirt's progression took place in Trinidad and Tobago with the 'Meet Raycan' album in 1971 and Ghetto Vibes in 1976. Illusion in 1977 was a fantastic album. The best calypso record ever produced is Ghetto Vibes, with a great selection of expressive songs. Commendations of Short Shirt's lyrical composition must go to two of Antigua and Barbuda's adept writers, the brilliance of Marcus Christopher and the mastery of Shelly Tobitt. However, only one artist could have dramatized these two great writers' writings, undoubtedly Short Shirt, as the late ABS newscaster Ephriam John related at Daniels Bakery one Sunday morning: 

"Short Shirt was skillful mastery on display, moving easily around lots of electric cords on the stage while delivering excellent songs."

Short Shirt conquered Trinidad and Tobago in 1977 with the 'Ghetto Vibes' album and the descriptive song of 'Tourist Leggo,' but bitter xenophobia disapproved of Short Shirt's impending Road March victory. The controversy of a 'foreigner' overpowering their popularity was discouraged, and the red flag of Caribbean disunity was fear-inspiring. That year, the dynamic Calypso Rose "Give More Tempo" won the Road March, the first female winner. (Wikipedia- Trinidad and Tobago Carnival Road March)

Will the Single Market and Economy address such issues? 

Before the 1970s, the '60s were turbulent times. There was a recession in the late 60s, the riots of 1968, and the era of Black Power challenged the status quo. The dawn of violence in 1968 that point-blank disregarded the masses and issued the order 'Shoot to Kill' was the era of struggle. After some time, the Progressive Labour Movement (PLM) led by George Walter defeated the Vere Cornwall Bird ALP in 1971. Walter was the new premier of Antigua and Barbuda. But particular circumstances of the 1968 uprising could have pushed Sir Vere Cornwall Bird over the cliff, but he survived.

Later, the PLM imperfection manifested in the destruction of Shorty's Beach Bar.

It was a successful enterprise until the powers that be brought his livelihood to a halt. It was unwarranted and evil, and the harsh sound of Short Shirt's lyrics amplified his anger against the authorities, which asserted that no one should violate his human rights with the song Nobody Go Run Me:

Nobody go run me

From wey me cum fram

Me mumma mus nyam

Me pickney mus nyam

Nobody go run me

That song became the anthem of the oppressed because each endeavor was not symbolic of our existence.

At the same time, the PLM term in office was agitated by constant bomb threats, bombings, and civil disobedience, along with the mimicry of 'Kong' on the famous ZDK morning show stomping on alleged misbehavior in public office and other indiscretions of vice. Kong's grunt never rested. Subsequently, ALP defeated the PLM in 1976, and Kong later retired.

There was no more electioneering about consuming a locally produced chicken as unsuitable for human consumption and labeled 'blue' chicken. Blue was the color of the PLM political organization. This propaganda was a nasty attack on food security backed by ALP political deceit. Additionally, all the bombing and cane fires stopped; Kong's grunt was silent on Halcyon, Heritage Quay, Space Research, Robert Vesco, and the economic plunder of the treasury. Kong was no longer breathing fire, expired on ice, and never heard again.

As the administration changed, Short Shirt's misfortune continued. The hurricane demolished his business; a furious windstorm deposited his beach bar in the sea, and efforts to rebuild have been frustrated by political disfavor.

But the 'gang house' investment foreign to our interest at Ffryes is given 10 acres of our land for 50 years at US$4,444.44 (EC$12,000) annually. While we remain disenfranchised, they become empowered. It is not suitable for us to be exiled in our own country, nor to be silent!

The power of King Short Shirt's vision is in his prophecy, 'The Message.'

Dis government must fall

De handwriting is on de wall

Whatever the reaction is to this message, ALP cannot escape reality. All have fattened themselves and pauperized others, they have raised a few and oppressed the majority, and if there is no solution, the gathering storm will triumph!



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