West Indies Oil Company (WIOC); The Genesis of Economic Plunder
Part 1 West Indies Oil Company (WIOC): The Genesis of Economic Plunder By Kwame Nkosi Romeo Great numbers are restless Many bitterly Some have no work, brother, and some are hungry Some of us are hanging on by the very skin of we teeth Is we to be blamed for it - Cry for Change by King Short Short The Greek philosopher Plato linked income tax avoidance to the political corruption of democracy based on greed and selfishness, which are typically the ethos of the Antigua Labour Party (ALP) government: "Where there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust less on the same amount of income." Such evil policy continues to exploit the black population, not only in Africa but in the Caribbean, led by corrupt black leaders. For example, about a decade ago, Action Aid UK exposed Associated Britsh Foods Group (ABF) tax avoidance in Zambia. ABF, a significant supplier of sugar in Zambia, ".....generated profits of $123 million but paid "virtually no corpora...